Sauropods were the gentle giants of their time. Their long sweeping necks and enormous tail whips helped them live at large. Explore their intensity, size and greatness. Imagine how the world would have shaken as they walked by. Did their size and weight provide them with any advantages? Book this exhibit for your venue today.
Exhibit Features
Size: 500-1000 square feet
Loan Period: 8-12 weeks
Content: 1 medium-large sized skeleton, various skulls, interpretive text panels
Options: Art package available, bilingual options
Exhibit Rental Information
Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest animals to ever walk the earth.Although they evolved from small ancestors, by the time true sauropods evolved near the end of the Triassic (200 million years ago) they had already reached body masses of over 10 tons. The largest species, such as the titanosaur, Argentinosaurus, tipped the scales at over 50 tons. Their size is only surpassed by baleen whales, whose weight is supported by water.
Several factors helped sauropods reach such enormous sizes.
• Their long neck long necks allowed them to feed on plants smaller dinosaurs could not reach.
• Their pneumatic bones were full of air spaces that helped reduce the weight of their large bodies by as much as 10%.
• These air spaces were connected to the lungs and helped sauropods breathe more efficiently.
• Being large helped protect healthy adults from attacks by predatory dinosaurs.
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